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***All Treatments are direct access, no referral needed***

Initial visits will last 60 minutes, while follow ups will last 30 minutes. Every visit will contain a combination of passive and active care for patients. This combination allows us to provide lasting results for our patients.

  • Evaluation

We start every care plan with a thorough evaluation process that can take 20 - 50 minutes depending on the injury to look at the cause of injuries & dysfunction. A common cause of injuries not being resolved is working with the incorrect diagnosis.

  • Dry Needling

Safe and effective way to relax shortened bands of muscles fibers and help activate under-active muscles. This does not require a referral in our office.

  • Manual Therapy

A hands-on treatment specifically designed to improve mobilization of joints, muscles, connective tissue and nerves.

  • Adjustments

Traditional Chiropractic adjustments that help reset the muscles around the spine to decrease pain and improve range of motion.

  • IASTM (Instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization)

Technique that uses instruments to neurologically reset injured soft tissues and facilitate healing process through increasing range of motion.

  • Corrective Exercises

By loading the tissue after passive treatments, this allows us to correct the faulty movement patterns and see quicker, longer lasting results. We won’t give you 20+ things to do, our goal is minimal and specific rehab that fits into your schedule.


Tired of booklets for rehab and minimal progress with your pain, come check us out.