A Scientific Approach to Sports Medicine & Rehab
Tired of 20+ visit care plans, 4 minute appointments, and not seeing results with your injury from a physical therapist, chiropractor, or other medical care? You’ll find a different approach in our office using the most evidence based approach to your injuries through focusing on the cause or your injury and addressing it with a combination of specific therapies and active care exercises.
When you’ve tried other providers and felt let down with their rushed approach, Dr. Goedken will take the time to help you understand your injury and work with you to get the pain addressed. Don’t settle for being told to stop your favorite activities and seeing a provider 2-3 times a week for a month.
Don’t allow pain, injury, tightness, and limited mobility restrict your every day life. Come visit our clinic to experience the difference in care. Our clinic will look very different than others in Virginia and we expect results.